Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Bad Situation Turned Good

Have you ever had a bad situation that appeared to be a little threatening, but due to some good old positive thinking, you were able to turn it into a good situation?

Sometimes the only way to make the best of a bad situation is to find a way to turn it all around. Find something you can do to flip the problem into a solution.

A common one might be when a person is being bullied because that person is not very popular, and you step in as a friend and help the person walk away from the situation.  Talking someone out of a situation takes a lot more nerve and confidence than joining in and being another bully.

Have you ever been in a bad situation, where your bravery has helped someone else?

Or have you been in a bad situation where changing your tone with someone else has made the situation more positive?

Explain your experience with one of the two situations above.

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