Friday, September 21, 2007

Heights Hits the Football Field

Unfortunately I did not get out to cheer our team on...I was sick, had to take the day off to recover. I'm sure I've missed a terrific game :-(

Friday, September 14, 2007

End of the Second Week Back

End of the second week...well let's see, what have I enjoyed the most?

I would say that what I've enjoyed the most was meeting up with students who are returning to College Heights. Here for another fun filled year of learning!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Day 1 @ Heights

It's been an enjoyable first day at Heights as I have meant my future clases for the next 5 months and think we will have some great times.

Many students are attending my class for the second consecutive year as they enter grade 10. Looking forward to working on the many projects we will do over the course of the semester.