Halloween has been around for...a long time...and every year, we enjoy getting dressed up and scaring someone or just simply having fun! For many years now, I have enjoyed taking my 3 daughters out trick or treating, and just having a memorable time watching them walk up to some very scarrry halloween houses. One of the most scarrry houses that we have seen had lots of grave stones, pumkins and a couple of scarrry looking zombies in front of the house, but what we didn't see until we got right up to the house was Freddy Krueger on the roof top with a real chainsaw and as we were leaving, a corps rose from the coffin on the front lawn.
What scarrry experiences have you had so far on halloween?
Give us some scarrry details to excite our halloween spirits!
Also, add some scarrry halloween visuals to your blog as we are running a contest today for the scarrriest halloween blog - win a very tasty prize on Monday!!!