Today I heard an interesting bit of info on the radio about "Alka Seltzer".
What is Alka Seltzer?
- an antacid and pain relief medicine
- Good remedy for heartburn, acid indigestion, sour stomach with headache, body aches and pains
The point on the radio was, what else can you do with a couple of Alka Seltzers?
According to Joey Green, you can also use Alka Seltzer tablets to clean a toilet, clean a vase, polish jewelry, unclog a drain and soothe insect, and it's also good for your stomach!
Question of the day: Do you know of anything else that is so multipurpose (think duct tape)?** Checkout "Wacky Uses" if you can't think of one ;-)
See Joey Green's site -
And you've got to see his video too, it's hilarious!